This blog post is a place to collect ideas to help people learn English as beginners for the charitable organisations in Portsmouth - all these resources are already visible on the internet and they are just linked from this blog. (Therefore if they are removed from their place on the web, they will no longer be available here)
The easy to share link is
Languages Advisor Website has some useful courses
In particular, this Level 1 Beginners Book Listening materials Practice book
and then this Level 2 Beginners Book Listening materials Practice book
YouTube clips and posters.

Phonics of the UK English Alphabet (what sounds should the letter make?)
This video tries to explain how English mostly pronounces each letter
Jolly Phonics UK English - Download the 42 phonic sounds here
Days of the Week

Months of the Year

Talking about dates
When is your birthday?
Numbers and basic arithmetic
Telling the time
Who are you?
More advanced (Australian English)
Around the town
Nearby in Winchester
Nature and animals

Family Members

N.B. Husband is the (you) in the picture - a man and a woman who are married are called 'man and wife'
Shopping for food and drink
Food Vocabulary (Canadian English)
Supermarket (Irish English)
British Food (Western English)
Shopping for clothes
Canada (Shopping for clothes in Canada)
Shopping for clothes
The home

Other people
