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Markus - Deutsch Kurs

Writer's picture: Andrew StarrAndrew Starr

An easier-to-remember link to this page is

When you pick up your mother tongue(s), you usually do so mainly by listening to those around you speak the language.

The pre-GCSE course is now archived here

There is a wide variety of radio stations out there in German online, as well as some TV. TV also gives you visual clues to help you understand.

German TV

Deutsche Welle - 24/7 news channel like BBC 24

Much of the leading TV online is blocked outside of Germany.

However, some programmes, such as news programmes and some documentaries, are often available. Again valid more as something to put on in the background to 'tune your ear' to the sound of German.

This link is a radio station from Fareham's German twin town of Pulheim

(October 2022 - UK law is currently disrupting the use of this website!)

This link is for international radio stations streaming online. This link will take you directly to Radio Duisburg (Portsmouth's twin city).

German Music - I will probably never complete this blog post about contemporary and golden oldie German music, but there are quite a few to be going on with. This German-based Music Channel - Deluxe Music, broadcasts online here


An online German Dictionary for quick answers is good, but having your actual dictionary is best.

A University Colleague's German Website - Link to German Verbs German Verb Drills

Pages 22 to 79 contain the core vocabulary of the syllabus.

These podcasts might be a good start to get you used to listening to many details about themes you might be less familiar with. News in Slow German - You can get a free trial, but sadly, it requires a subscription!

There is also this website - This site is supposedly designed to be easy to read and follow.

„ option shift w “ option open square bracket.

Remember the video resources from Edexcel for some chapter revision sessions.

Friday, 31st January 3 pm (online)

Today, we will continue looking at the theme of education and future careers by revising chapter one of „Stimmt“.

We did the school subjects and teachers part last week. Today, we will do school life, future educational plans and perhaps current and future careers. WJEC Knowledge Organisers

As last time, we will begin by using the Knowledge Organisers to see how you fare on cold questions.

Here is a revision source for the declension of articles and adjectives.

Saturday, 25th January 10 am online

From „Edexcel“ S176 & 177 - Final section of the course.

Today, we will begin looking at the theme of education and future careers by revising chapter one of „Stimmt“.

Current and Future Careers and Employment. WJEC

Knowledge Organisers

Friday, 17th January 6 pm (online)

From „Edexcel“ S174 & 175 - Neue Generaton - neuer Trend.

From „Stimmt“ S 178 & 179 - Schreibtest

Friday, 3rd January 10 am (in person)

Guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr!

From „Edexcel“ S 172 & 173 - Einkaufen ist mein Leben.

From „Stimmt“ S 176 & 177 - Mündlicher Test.

Saturday, 14th December 10 am (in person)

From „Edexcel“ S 170 & 171 - Geld - Talking About Money -Combining the use of three different tenses.

From „Stimmt“ S 176 & 177 Mündlicher Test

Friday, 6th December 4 pm (in person)


From „Edexcel“ S 168 & 169 - Was für ein Sportler bist du?

From „Stimmt“ S 174 & 175 - Lesetest.

Saturday, 30th November 10 am (in person)

From „Edexcel“ S 166 & 167 - „Jugendstudie - Letztes Wochenende.“ Hören 3. - Talking about last weekend and revising the Perfect Tense.

From „Stimmt“ S 172 & 173 - „Kampagnen und gute Zwecke.“ - International and local campaigns - the passive voice.

Nächste Woche ist es am 6. Dezember Nikolaustag. Was wird während der Nacht vom 5. bis 6. Dezember geschehen?

Friday, 22nd November 4 pm (online)

From „Edexcel“ Kapitel 9 - „Die Freizeitstunden, - Freizeit - meine Zeit!“ S 164 & 165 - Rückblick. Looking at word order and revising the present tense. Hören 2.

From „Stimmt“ S 170 & S171 - „Wie werden wir grüner?“ - Use subordinate clauses and explain what a country can do for the environment.

Thursday, 14th November 5 pm (online)

From „Edexcel“ S 158 & 159 - Schreibtest - Preparing for a written exercise on the environment theme.

From „Stimmt“ S 168 - Umwelt macht Schule - Explaining what is done/ could be done in school to help the environment. Quizlet

Was man in Ulm macht... This could be of interest to you of which to do a translation and form a glossary of new terminology.

A former competition held by the Goethe Institut in Russia...

Friday, 8th November 6 pm (online)

From „Edexcel“ S 156 & 157 - Sprachtest - Preparing to discuss environmental issues.

From „Stimmt“ S 166 - Obdachlos und arm in Berlin - Homelessness - adjectival nouns...

Lied für die Welt - Kulturzone

It's actually not so bad as the lyrics could have made it seem...

Tuesday, 29th October, 4 pm (live)

From „Edexcel“ S 154 Ökostadt Freiburg - A Case Study of an Environmentally Friendly City

From „Stimmt“ S 164 - Modern Societal Issues - Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking and E-Cigarettes. Grammatical structures following specific constructions where adjectives become nouns!

Could you do a brief resumé (in English or in German) of this Halloween back story about Jack O'Lantern in German?

Friday, 18th October, 6 pm (live)

From „Edexcel“ S 152 - Fährst du umwelfreundlich? - Discussing the impact of different forms of transport on the environment. Using three different tenses...

Hören 4 K8U4 S 153

From „Stimmt“ S 162 - 163 Die Winter Olymische Spielen - Talking about the environmental and economic impact of the Winter Olympics on a host city/country and coping with a lot of numbers.

To prepare for your written and speaking tasks, consider combining Edexcel page 152, question 2, with page 153, question 5 to create a report about transportation and its advantages and disadvantages, especially concerning environmental concerns.

Friday, 11th October, 6 pm (live)

From „Edexcel“ S 150 - Probleme und Lösungen - Talking about world problems and their solutions.

From „Stimmt“ S 160/161 - Der Berlin Marathon - Here you can do the photocard and the Partnerarbeit as a written report.

You can also complete an amalgamation about Festivals or Sporting events from S158/159.

„Machen“ or „tun“?

In German, the verb machen is used more often than the verb tun, both of which translate to "to do" in English. Machen can also mean "to make" and can be used in many other ways, including "to equal", "to give", "to last", "to matter", and "to take". Tun can also be used in colloquial German to mean "to put". 

Here are some tips for learning when to use machen or tun:

  • Search for conjugations

    Search for machen and tun in any or all of their conjugations on a German lesson video page. 

  • Think of a sentence

    Think of a sentence using one or the other, and then Google it to see how often it comes up. 

  • Learn the conjugations

    Learn the various forms of machen, such as "ich mache" (I do) and "wir machen" (we do). 

Entirely in the German Schlager styler (You can even see the past participle - „geschlagert “ in the bottom left corner), a new song about Currywurst using colloquially the verb „tun“ rather than „machine “. Rot Weiss = (Ketchup & Mayonnaise)

Friday, 4th October, 6 pm (online)

From „Edexcel“ S 148 - Global denken - lokal handeln.

To talk about ways to help the environment.

To use infinitive expressions.

Hören 3

For your self-study task, you can amalgamate Fragen 2 Seite 148 with Fragen 5 & 6 Seite 149 to write a global account of environmental issues.

Friday, 20th September, 6 pm (live)

From „Edexcel“ S 146 - Die Umwelt und ihre Zukunft - begin with Rückblick and a KS3 Project Task.

Friday, 20th September, 6 pm (live)

From „Edexcel“ S 142 Schreibtest

From „Stimmt“ S 130 Lesetest

Friday, 13th September, 5:30 pm (online)

From „Edexcel“ S 140 „Sprachtest“ Preparation.

Prepare to speak about (your home)/ a town based on a picture.

From „Stimmt“ S 128 „Meine Stadt - Vor und Nachteile.“

Example of the „Sprachtest“

Thursday, 5th September, 6 pm (live)

Wie waren die Sommerferien?

Was hast du gemacht?

Was hast du als Familie zusammen gemacht?

From „Edexcel“ S 138 - „Es gibt immer einen Grund zum Feiern!“

Talking about celebrations at home.

Using the Pluperfect Tense.

From „Stimmt“ S126 - „Willkommen auf Sylt“

Describing places where people live.

Using „Es gibt“ with „ein“ and „kein“.

Was gibt es in Duisburg?

„Es gibt einen Innenhafen, aber es gibt keinen Strand.“

Plusquamperfekt (Pluperfect)

Saturday 20th July 10 am

From „Edexcel“ S 136 - „In Linz beginnt's!“

This section looks at Linz in Austria and revises and reinforces talking about what there is to see and do in a town.

It adds a comparison of places.

From „Stimmt“ S 124 - Urlaubspläne. Planning the summer holidays.

Homework from „Stimmt“ S 125 - F 4 & 7

Speaking Role Play sheets

You will have already written about Fareham. Maybe go back over that and add some more information. Alternatively, you can research and write about another place of interest or somewhere you know elsewhere and compare these places.


In Linz beginnt's

Friday 12th July 6 pm

From „Edexcel“ S 134 - Ich werde an der Küste wohnen

Discussing the future

From „Stimmt“ S 122 - Wie war der Urlaub?

For Homework

From „Edexcel“, you can mix tasks 4 and 5 on page 135. To come up with a mini-presentation about where you will/would like to live in the future...

From „Stimmt“ S 123 - F7 and 8, The first requires putting the sentences in the Pluperfect tense.

The second is to record an MP3 about a party you have attended, using the Pluperfect tense a lot.

Saturday 8th July 10 am

From „Edexcel“ S 132 - Wohnst du gern im deinem Wohnort?

Talking about the pros and cons of where you live...

Hören 3, Seite 133.

For Homework:

Amalgamate F4 & F5 S133 - You should really begin to record yourself giving a discourse in a speech on all of your prepared topics.

Add an account of a holiday you have been on from S121 F9 Stimmt.

From „Stimmt“ S120 - Talking about different types of holidays.

Friday, 21st June 6 pm

From „Edexcel“ S 130 Sollten Kinder in Haushalt helfen?

From „Stimmt“ S118 Talking about the weather.

For your homework prep you could write about how you help about the home... See Schreiben 7 S131 Edexcel book.

From Stimmt you could do Q 7 on p119 about your favourite season/weather...

Saturday 8th June 10 am

From „Edexcel“, Meine Umgebung cont. S127.

In „Stimmt, “ it mixes it up a little (although the environment is present in this chapter, too).

From „Stimmt“ S.116 - Looking at popular holiday destinations in Germany, popular holiday choices for Germans and German Geography. (You have these two pages from May 18th; see Google Doc)

Saturday, 18th May 10 am

Listening - Have a listen to die Eiskönigin singing „Lass jetzt los!“ (If you don't know the original it is called "Let it Go" from Frozen.) Songtext

„Edexcel“ new chapter is about the environment. Hören 3&4 - Homes and local area environment.

Translating songs is far more advanced than GCSE, but it certainly shows how translation can be a real challenge. What else are the challenges here?

You can compare and see how the song was translation was done - it is thought provoking - did they keep the same message as in the original or did it change in some way? What are your thoughts on this?

Friday 10th May 6 pm

Today, from the „Edexcel“ course book - S122 - 123 Hör und Lesetest. S196 & 197 (Wenn es nötig wäre)

From the „Edexcel“ course book - S118 - 119 - Sprachtest (listen to a student talking about their work experience)

From „Stimmt“ S154 & 155 Schreibtest - prepare for this section, which can be completed in your Google Doc, including the translation section.

A/A* Example (8/9) of the question for the writing section we covered last week

Friday, 3rd May 6 pm

Today, from the „Edexcel“ course book - S 120 & 121 - Schreibtest - All about Work Experience - a model to adapt.

From „Stimmt“ S152 & 153 Mündlicher Prüfung.

Friday, 26th April 6 pm

Today, from the „Edexcel“ course book - S 116 & 117 „Der moderne Arbeitsplatz“ - This talks about the use of modern technologies in the workplace and problems at work.

Hören 4 & 5

From „Stimmt“ S150 Lese und Hörtest. (Just the Lesetest part).

For Homework:

S117 Schreiben 6 looks like it could be a useful task to undertake.

Friday, 12th April 10 am

Today, from the „Edexcel“ course book - We will consider various workplace routines, including some trickier constructions.

Hören 4 und 6

From „Stimmt“, we will look at reasons for learning languages. This section revises the um... zu... construction.

Friday, 22nd March 6 pm

Today, from the „Edexcel“ course book, we will look at SWOT analyses. In German, these are Stärken-Schwächen-Chancen-Risikien.

Hören 4.

From „Stimmt“, we will look at Dreams and Reality - using a variety of tenses.

We will look at the imperfect formation of the modal verb 'wollen.

We can look at your ideas when you were younger for your future jobs...

Possible Homework tasks

You could work on  „Edexcel“ S113 F5 for your written homework about your SWOT analysis. You could add some ideas from Sprechen 2 comparing people you know or, indeed, the two girls in the book. Use the comparison expressions to compare either the two girls or two people you 'know'.

Then, adding to this from „Stimmt“ S147 F6, you can write about your dreams as a child, your work 'experiences' collected so far and your ideas for future career paths.

Saturday, 16th March 10 am

Today, from the „Edexcel“ course book, we will look at spending time working during the school holidays and preparing to write a job application letter.

Hören 3

From „Stimmt“, we will understand job definitions and describe tasks undertaken in various roles.

Understanding sequencers is the grammar point.

Possible Homework tasks

„Edexcel“ - p111 Q5 & 6 Prepare a job application for one of the jobs advertised in Q1 p110. Prepare the answers for the questions in p111 Q6 role play.

From „Stimmt“, p142 - describe two jobs of your choice in German.

Friday, 8th March 6 pm

Today, from the „Edexcel“ course book, we will look at Work Experience - Grammar is modal verbs and the imperfect tense.

Hören 3 & 4 - Same recording

From „Stimmt“(see your Google Doc for info) - We will also look at Work Experience. The same modal verbs are here too and the same use of the imperfect tense.

There is a valuable role play to prepare (and write something towards). There is also a photo card to prepare, similar to those for the speaking exam.

Saturday, 2nd March 10 am

Today, from the „Edexcel“ course book, we will look at part-time jobs focusing on word order.

Hören 2

From „Stimmt“, - We will look at the introduction to the theme of the world of work. It brings in the theme of work experience. The grammar focus is on intensifiers and conjunctions.

The course is designed to have this chapter after most students have done work experience. You might want to prepare this as if you had done work experience (you could always change it later).

The writing tasks are about part-time jobs people have in your class from Edexcel, with Stimmt having some simple translations.

You probably still have all the examination preparation sections to complete as well.

This one might be an idea, to be able to talk about the sort of part-time jobs people of your age could do, and if you were to have the time to have a part-time job, perhaps mention the sort of job you would like to do or have the ability to do.

This video has more detail about certain jobs and what they entail than the Edexcel book.

Friday, 23rd February 6 pm

Today, from the „Edexcel“ course book. We shall begin the Module „Die Arbeitswelt“, discussing the advantages of different jobs and linking personality traits to various jobs.

Hören 2


From „Edexcel“ - S.105 F6 Schreiben writing about various jobs and their advantages etc

From „Stimmt“, we will look at the examination materials provided in the course.

We will no doubt cover Lesen together.

We cannot do the Hören sections,

However, for Homework, you could prepare the Mündlicher Prüfung section. Prepare answers for the Role Play A, Photo Card B and the General Conversation C (using additional material from the back of the book, S.198 Green Link) ignoring the Hören labelled exercises.

Then, the Schreiben section has the extended writing task and translations to attempt.

(See your Google Doc for Links)

Friday, 9th February 6 pm

Today, we will look at grammar reinforcement exercises from the „Edexcel“ course book. These can be found at the back of the book. This grammar is essential to the exam, particularly the writing and speaking elements, as these are the ones you produce. P222-227 are the exercises, the previous pages 204-221 are all the grammatical constructs and rules!

You ought to aim to cover all the grammar points before you sit the exams, just to make sure all is covered.

There are some online grammar quizzes here.

You could sign up for free and start practising German grammar rules here.

See your Google Doc for more information on German Verbs.

From „Stimmt“, Technologiefeind oder Freund - Are you a fan of technology? Quizlet Wordwall

Zungenbrecher for real pronunciation challenges. Or These


These links are written for German people, so how much can you follow?

Fasching - Rosenmontag in Duisburg (If you get a pop-up, click on Alle Akzeptieren or Datenschutz, not the one with a 3,99 a month subscription). It should let you then look at the page.

Valentinstag - History of the festival from Bavarian TV. (There is a video to see, too)

Friday, 2nd February 6 pm

Today, from the „Edexcel“ course book - we will complete the reinforcement section from Module 5 on pages 194 and 195.

From „Stimmt“, we will examine how, why and when you use Social Media and Technology. Using wenn clauses is the grammatical feature there.

Homework here...

From „Stimmt“, write a feature pulling together ideas from Sprechen 3 p82 and Sprechen 6 p.83 and Schreiben 7.

Lesen 3 p83 is a translation task

From „Edexcel“ - p.195, Question 3.

Deutsche Welle - Youth and Social Networks

Dictation Exercise about New Technologies

Saturday, 26th January 10 am

Today, from the „Edexcel“ course book, we will look at their Speaking Exam Prep, which, although different from what you will be doing, is still rather similar and useful for its content. S. 98-99. We will prepare for the Schreibtest. S100-101 gives you ideas for possible writing assessments. These both can be completed for your document.

From „Stimmt“, we will examine their take on staying fit and healthy.

This focuses on using pronouns in various declensions (cases).

Friday, 19th January 6 pm

Today, from the „Edexcel“ course book, we will look at discussing the drug issue among teenagers dealing with longer reading texts.

From „Stimmt“, we will look at traditional German meals and talking about things in the past. See your Google Doc for links.

It would be a good idea to prepare something to say about p 97 Question 5 for your document.

Friday, 12th January 6 pm

Today, from the „Edexcel“ course book, we will look at talking about teenage smoking and drinking issues. Also, look at word order grammar in sub-ordinate clauses after dass, weil and wenn.

Hören 3 and Hören 7.

This video is about alcohol and Smoking, etc and their contribution to the ageing process.

From „Stimmt“, we will look at daily routine (Ein Tag in meinem Leben).

This is an average day in the life of a German teenager, and then compare this with yours.

Homework can be this worksheet:

Plus a variation of Q4 and Q8 about smoking and writing - Perhaps writing about yourself and A.N Other who has a different experience to you.

Q 4 P76, Q 6&7 P77 as a joint exercise about daily routine.

This video, although quite simple in the content for the theme, has a lot of other useful German language in it. It was made in Covid lockdown.

Friday, 5th January 6 pm

Today, we will look at Teenage Angst and the use of the conditional tense or 'mood' from the „Edexcel“ course book.

From „Stimmt“, we will look at Things in a house and accusative and dative use with prepositions...

We can also look at New Year's Resolutions

See your Google Doc for two links

Saturday, 16th December 10 am

Today, we will follow up from the work two weeks ago. You have hopefully completed all the exam preparation sections from the previous chapters.

From „Stimmt“ - We will look at visiting a German family and the sort of vocabulary that could be useful on a visit to Germany.

From „Edexcel“ - An der Sportklink - talking about injuries and illnesses - using adjective endings correctly. S.90


Schlittenfahrt - What are the lyrics here?!! Possibly these

Friday, 1st December 6 pm

We looked at Leckerbissen from „Stimmt“ and From „Edexcel“

Saturday, 24th November 10 am

Today, From „Edexcel“ - Gesundheit - Du bist was du isst... Kapitel 5.

S.86 S87... Hören 3

Talking about foods which help stay healthy.

From „Stimmt“ - Willkommen bei mir - So ist es bei mir... Kapitel 4.

These two chapters diverge in some ways, but they have common threads.

Describing a house, discussing what is happening in a house.

Talking about routinely eaten meals.

You still have a lot of homework from the previous chapter's exam practice.

I imagine you can write about your typical meals among the modules' further tasks.

Friday, 17th November 6 pm

Today, From „Edexcel“ - A look at the Sprach und Schreibtest and a look at the Hören und Lesen Test from the end of Module 4. These can then be prepared for homework.

From „Stimmt“ exam prep from the end of Module 3. excluding the Listening section.

Next week, we will begin the new themes from both courses and so today we can discuss all the exam prep and revision sections from Chapter 4 „Edexcel“ book and Chapter 3 „Stimmt“.

This might be of interest - a short film that talks about an Orchestra in German.

Saturday, 11th November 10 am

Today, From „Edexcel“ exam prep from the end of Module 4.

From „Stimmt“ exam prep from the end of Module 3.

There is probably two week's worth of material to look at there.

Friday, 3rd November

Today, From „Edexcel“ S.76 & 77 - Zusammen sind wir stärker. - Talking about helping out in the community (volunteer work). - Looking at how to manipulate new phrases to suit your purposes - (changing tenses).

From „Stimmt“ - Damals und Heute S.58

Comparing your life when you were younger with how your life is now.



From „Stimmt“ - Merge F4 S.58 with F8 S.59.

From „Edexcel“ - S.77 F6 plus S.193 F2.

You should also start working through the Grammatik Exercises in the back of the book.

Sn. 222-227

Monday, 23rd October - 3 pm

From „Edexcel“ - Jugendprobleme - What would you do. Looking at scenarios and giving advice.

Lesen 1 und 2. Hören 3

From „Stimmt“ - Mein Wochenende - Talking about your perfect Sunday...

Making plans for next weekend.

Revision of prepositions taking accusative and dative and why.


1. Based on „Stimmt“ Create a conversation planning activities for the weekend.

2. Do the translation exercise.

3. From Edexcel - amalgamate 4 and 5 into a written exercise where you can make a podcast about Teenage Angst and possible solutions.


Friday, 13th October - Online 6 pm

Online - see the Google Doc for the link.

From „Edexcel“ - Braut, Mutter, Hausfrau altmodisch oder unfair?

Hören 1 (as a vocabulary pronunciation practice task).

Lesen 2 & 3 based on the Hören 1 text.

From „Stimmt“ - Explaining different views on marriage. Using separable verbs.

S. 54-55

Hören 1 for Vocab. Lesen 2. Lesen 4.

Schreiben 6 amalgamated with Schreiben 5 from Edexcel about Weddings for Homework. Basically, write about your views on weddings... Possibly, the task above from ISLCollective.

This is fairly good due to the vocabulary-building content:

Saturday, 7th October - 10 am

From „Edexcel“ - Talking about what people find attractive in one another. S 70 4-3 F1 Lesen

S71 F3 Hören

Sprechen 4 & 5 - These could be done as a written piece together. Or you could do as they suggest and make a video!

Seite 193 F1 is also linked to this theme and has some rather corny lines in it.

From „Stimmt“

S52 - Similar to what was covered last week in the Edexcel book about interpersonal relationships.

Friday, 29th September - Online 6 pm

Online - see the Google Doc for the link.

From „Edexcel“ - Sie gehen mir auf die Nerven... S68. 1. Who's sitting where at the awkward family meal?

3. Wie sieht deine Familie aus?

4. Lesen 5. Hören 6. Schreiben - This could be added to your Google Doc.

From „Stimmt“

S 50 What makes a good friend?

S 51 F5 - Look at friendship stories.

Schreiben 8 - Add this to your doc so you are writing about interpersonal relationships both, good and bad.

Saturday, 23rd September - 10 am

From „Edexcel“ - Kind, Freund, Bürger - revises family language. S66 - I am pretty sure you are solid on most, if not all, vocabulary on family relations. Fragen 5 & 6 - Hausaufgaben

From „Stimmt“ - S48 Menschliche Beziehungen - This one dives into all about people's behaviour and characteristics. Describing photos (similar task to Edexcel 5 & 6). Fragen 5 & 6 - Hausaufgaben - similar tasks to above, but based on a photo card type question.

1990s The German Programme - Channel 4 covers much of this. There is even some humour (of sorts) at the end in einem Kaufhaus!

Friday, 15th September - Online 6 pm

Online - see the Google Doc for link - Also some links to Video and MP3s there.

From Edexcel - Sprachtest (we can listen to an example of how it is done!)

From „Stimmt“


Edexcel S 62 & 63 Schreibtest.

Saturday, 9th September - 6 pm

From Edexcel - Kapitel 6 - Die besten Tage deines Lebens - S58 F1 - Gewalt auf dem Schulhof

F5 & 6 Hören (double exercise same recording)

From „Stimmt“ - S 21 - Lesetest


Edexcel - S58 F3 - Prepare a report for a German Magazine/Paper about either the noted crime in your school or one you would want to write...

Combining F7 & F8 into something about what people could/should do when they have problems/difficulties in school.

From „Stimmt“ - S22-24 - Mündlicher Test & Schreibtest - all parts but Hören. It will help prepare for possible examination tasks. This is rather a lot, so it might be best spread over the next two weeks.

Friday, 1st September - Online 10 am

Online - see the Google Doc for link

Sag mir etwas über deinen Tag mit dem Clément aus Caen.

From „Stimmt“ - Wir fahren mit der Klasse weg!

Hausaufgaben - S18 & S19 - F4 & F8

Schreib ein Schüleraustauschprogramm...

Bereite eine Präsentation...

From Edexcel - S58 F1 Lesen Gewalt auf dem Schulhof.

At least put the blue-printed words into English. If you can, write a good English translation of the text.

Saturday, 19th August - Besuch von Clément aus Frankreich.

(Summer Holidays)

German School System - „Stimmt“ S16-17.

Comparing Schools - Edexcel - S56 - 57

Hausaufgaben -

Edexcel S56 F4,5 & 8

„Stimmt“ S17 F5 & 8

Saturday, 22nd July (Kreuzfahrtschiff - Deutschland)

(Summer Holidays)

Edexcel - Schuluniform - Pro und kontra - Discussing the pros and cons of school uniforms and the use of adjectives. (adjectival agreements) S54 & 55

Lesen 1, 2

„Stimmt“ S12-13 Der Schultag - Describing school routine, asking and answering questions.

s14-15 Ordnung muss sein... (Discussing school rules and the use of modal verbs)


S55 Edexcel F4 & 6

S13 „Stimmt“ F6 (Translation) & Sprechen (make an audio recording (supposed to be with a partner!)

S15 F8 - Write some festival rules for the school.

These further materials about the school theme from the module can be pre-prepared and ready for August 19th.

Edexcel S56 & 57 - Meine Traumschule - you can do all these exercises (the listening file is in your Google doc as a link) and do Qs 5 and 8 as written exercises with Q4 possibly in written form, but try to make an audio recording too...

Saturday, 15th July (FS Reunion Day)

Edexcel - Schulregeln - streng verboten S52-53 - Talking about school rules and making pledges. The use of the future tense. Hören 6 & 7.

„Stimmt“ - S10 - Mit Freude in die Schule - Talking about what you are looking forward to (and not) and giving reasons why (not). Quizlet

Hausaufgaben -

Edexcel - Schreiben 3 S 52, Schreiben 8 S 53

„Stimmt“ S8 Schreiben 8 (You'll have to imagine it is September already!)

Saturday, 8th July

Edexcel - Unser Schultag. Describing a typical school day and using negatives. Hausaufgaben - Sprechen 5 & Schreiben 6.

„Stimmt“ S8 - Es beginnt mit der Grundschule. Talking about stationery and the use of the perfect and imperfect tense.

Schreiben 7 - Hausaufgaben

Saturday, 24th June

Edexcel: Unser Schulleben -S48 Lesen 1, Hören 2 und 3 Lesen 4 und 5. - School Subjects and Opinions

Zu Hause

S49 - Schreiben


S6 - So ist das Schulleben

School subjects and opinions.

Lesen 1. - Kulturzone

Hören 3 for naming the items of vocabulary

Lesen 5 (as a Picture based discussion initiative)

Lesen 6

Besuch von Clément aus Frankreich.

Zu Hause

Schreiben 4

Saturday, 17th June - I will be in Caen

So, you should complete:


Schreiben 5 s39.

Sprachtest s40 & 41

Schreibtest s42 & 43

Lese und Hörtest s44 & 45

„Stimmt“ - Schreiben 5 s107, Lesetest, Mündlicher Test und Schreibtest

Saturday, 10th June

Edexcel - Das war eine Reise Wert S38 & 39

„Stimmt“ - Probleme im Prater s106-107

See above for 2 weeks homework

Friday, 2nd June - (2 pm)

From Edexcel GCSE - Mein Ferienalptraum - Describing a disastrous holiday in the past - (Perfect Tense)

Hören 3 (WS)

S36 und 37 - Schreiben 4 for Homework (Writing about a disastrous holiday)

From „Stimmt“ - Einkaufen in der Kärtnerstraße (Cases and Articles) Shopping for Souvenirs

S104 - 105 Schreiben 7 (Translation) for Homework.

Saturday, 20th May

From Edexcel GCSE - Eating out and talking about things in the past using the imperfect tense. S 34 & 35

Hören 2 & 4

„Stimmt“ - S 102- 103 - Ordering food in a restaurant/café and being hypothetical (using wenn clauses) _ If...


Edexcel Lesen 5, Schreiben 6

Stimmt - Schreiben 2 & 9

Saturday, 13th May

From Edexcel GCSE - Giving directions and talking about journeys. - For the writing, you can adapt the one you have already done about a journey somewhere and add anything you have missed based on Q7 p33.

„Stimmt“ - Talking about accommodation and problems therein. The use of 'this' in German.

Schreiben 8 can also be added to your writing; describe your accommodation and anything you will do again or differently in the future.

Saturday, 6th May

Remember all the exam style prep from „Stimmt“ and the Edexcel GCSE Book... (this you were given three weeks ago, much of which you have done). Plus, the video and questions are linked on the Google Doc...

Edexcel GCSE - Berlin - Talking about where you have visited and using the Perfect Tense.

S30 & 31.

„Stimmt“ S 96 & 97 Wie fahren wir nach Wien? - Discussing ways of travelling; using the comparative and superlative.

Add questions 2, 6 and 7 to your homework notes. 7 to the Google doc. This is the same as task 6 from the Edexcel book.

This is an online lesson for using Comparatives and Superlatives in German with this theme,

there are three parts

There are many sights in Berlin for tourists. Some are reminders of the past and ensure that Germany never forgets the dark period of its history.

Saturday, 29th April

Remember the exam style prep from „Stimmt“ and the Edexcel GCSE Book... (this you were given two weeks ago). Plus, the video and questions are linked on the Google Doc...

Stimmt! S 94 & 95

Revises Transport and talking about how you travelled somewhere

Revises booking a hotel room.

Sprechen 6 (again probably a good idea to make a written record of an example)

From the Edexcel GCSE Book „Urlaub lieber mit den Freunden als mit der Familie.“ S28 & 29

Lesen 1,2 & 3.

Hören 4 & 5. (same audio file each time)

Schreiben 6 for homework

Sprechen 7 as a quick exercise today.

The Edexcel Course looks at Berlin next... So, here's a little about the city...

„Stimmt“ will 'go' to Vienna...

Saturday, 22nd April

You should have completed the Question from Page 19 Edexcel Course Book about „die neuen Medien“.

Remember the exam style prep from „Stimmt“ and the Edexcel GCSE Book... (this you were given last week).

Edexcel Kapitel 2 - Ich habe Reiselust.

Talking about the types of holidays you enjoy and discussing preferences. S26 & 27

Hören 3 & 4

Sprechen 5 (Probably a good idea to do this as a written interview)

Stimmt! S 94 & 95

Revises Transport and talking about how you travelled somewhere

Revises booking a hotel room.

Sprechen 6 (again probably a good idea to make a written record of an example)

(Rosenstolz...) (this is full of past participles!)

Friday, 14th April @ 2pm

Die neuen Medien - immer etwas Positives? Edexcel S18 & 19.

Hören 3 s19

Sprachtest S20 & 21. Listening to an example picture-based discussion. (This is no longer part of the Oral exam; however, you get a picture card given to you to prepare and speak about; you also have a chosen theme to present...)

Schreibtest S22 - 23 - A bit longer than the sort of Writing Exam you would now have to do; however, good practice to do such a task as good preparation for the writing exam.

Stimmt Kapitel 2 Lesetest, Mündlicher Test, Schreibtest and Translation Sections

Tuesday, 28th March @3pm

You have completed your homework from „Stimmt“ and the Edexcel GCSE Book in the Google Doc. You had some things from the end of Stimmt to do as well - How did you do on those?

Aprilscherz - A little about April Fool's Day

Frohe Ostern - I will leave this for you to review in your own time over Easter (we will look at the headlines in it, and you could do a brief resumé of the main points in English).

Edexcel GCSE Book - Neue Medien, Traditionelle Medien S16 & 17

Lesen 1, 2 & 3

Hören 4 Hören 5 Same excerpt x2

Schreiben 6 (on your Google Doc - use Stimmt pages to help too S30 & 31 too) and Sprechen 7 could be done in your note book as extension

Stimmt - Sport für Alle S36 & 37.

Saturday, 18th March

You have completed your homework from „Stimmt“ and the Edexcel GCSE Book in the Google Doc.

Edexcel GCSE Book

S14 & 15 Clownfische und Monster Quizlet

Hören 3 Hören 4

German Translation Film Document - Prepare the Platinum one (use the material in all sections).

Stimmt S. 42. Mündlicher Test - Role Play about Musical Instruments

Homework: Schreiben 7 (add to the Google Doc) Write about the plot of one of your favourite films.

Stimmt Edexcel GCSE - S. 198 - Chapter 2 for General Conversation (Over the Easter Break)

Saturday, March 11th @10.00

You have completed your homework from „Stimmt“ and the Edexcel GCSE Book in the Google Doc.

Edexcel GCSE Book

„Was laüft im Fernsehen?“ S.12 Hören 3

S.13 Hören 5 Schreiben 6 (for h/w) Lesen 7

Stimmt Film und Fernsehen

S.34 Lesen 4, 6 & 7, and Schreiben 9 to be added to Schreiben 6 above (for h/w).

Saturday, March 4th @10.00

You have completed for homework „Stimmt“ page 29 ex 5 and 6. Also, Exercises 3, 4 and 5 from page 9 of Edexcel GCSE Book.

Dynamisch und mit Funk Hören 2

Wer liest heute noch Bücher?

Saturday, February 25th @15:00

Speaking examination paper from EE2

Stimmt Chapter 2, second page 2 29

Edexcel GCSE Mein Leben Online

Saturday, February 11th @10.00

By now, it would be best if you had gone over all of the Extra sections at the back of the book. You should take the EE 2 exam papers away and complete the Listening, Reading and Writing sections under exam conditions with either mum or dad.

For the Speaking, prepare each section ready to be able to undertake the spoken bits with me on February 25th.

Sankt Valentin (Logikrätsel und Wahlungsspiel)

German GCSE Course

We will begin the German GCSE Course here, and with this in mind, we will begin to look at the new theme of „Die Medien Heute” from the Edexcel for GCSE German Course (your book may differ slightly (probably around the examination tasks all of which no longer apply anyway).

The new GCSE Syllabus has an Identity and Culture Theme -

Die Medien Heute is under this umbrella. We can also eventually use some exercises from Stimmt Chapter 2, which are for the new syllabus.

Today we will talk about the media you use in everyday life and review the present tense formation...

S7 Hören 2

We will look at online life and Social Media Profiles (Basic Questions for people to ask when they get to know one another).

S9 Hören 3

Stimmt Kapitel 2 Discussing Leisure Activities, using nouns and articles

S28 & 29.

Homework: Revise the themes and topics of the EE2 book by looking at and completing some of the exercises in Extra Section S100-111, and complete the 3 sections of the Exam paper while preparing the Speaking section ready for next time.

N.B. - Jahresbilanz - Exam papers to take away.

Previous sessions are now archived in another post - see the link at the top of the page.

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