Apple desktops and laptops
One learned the process is somewhat simple on an Apple Mac computer. There is webpage here to teach you this information.
On an Apple Mac computer to get '`' you need to push the 'option' or 'alt' button and hold it. You should then push the the letter you wish to put the '`' on so to get 'è' you push 'alt/option' hold the key and then push 'e'.
Same process for other accents push and hold the required key and then push the letter you wish the accent to appear on.
'`' alt/option + '`' plus the letter you wish the accent to appear on
'´' alt/option + 'e' plus the letter you wish the accent to appear on
'^' alt/option + 'i' plus the letter you wish the accent to appear on
'¨' alt/option + 'u' plus the letter you wish the accent to appear on
'ç' alt/option + 'c'
œ alt/option + 'q'
Smartphones and tablets
For Apple iPhones iPads, most Android tablets and phones and Amazon Fire Tablets...
On the keyboard you have on your screen tap and hold down the letter you wish the accent to appear on. A whole selection of possible accents will appear, just men sure you choose the right one.
In order to stop the spell checker/predictive text from altering all your French words, you will need to use the French spellchecker, which comes with the French keyboard OR turn the spellchecker off. Apple phones and tablets Android products
You can change the keyboard on an Apple device by clicking the world symbol next to the space bar. On Android you hold the space bar down.
Windows based PCs
This sheet is the one for the shortcut codes on PC's with number pads on their keyboards.
Further notes on typing on a Windows Laptop push CTRL and then the following characters...
To type accent grave (à, è, etc), type ` (to the left of 1) then the vowel.
Accent aigu (é), type ‘ (single quote) then e.
Cédille (ç), type ‘ then c.
Circonflexe (ê), type ^ (shift + 6) then e.
Tréma (ö), type ” (shift + ‘) then o.
To type French quotation marks « » use ctrl + alt + [ and ], respectively.
Typing Special characters in German...
On Tablets and phones...
As above in the French section, holding down the relative letter on the keyboard will bring up the choices of accented letters for other languages. Simply slide your finger to the correct choice.
On an Apple/Mac it is relatively easy.
ü - Push down and hold the alt/option key, then push u-u (.i.e. push 'u' twice), then let go of the alt option key.
ö —Press and hold the alt/option key down, then press 'u' and' o', and then let go of the alt option key.
ä —- Press and hold the alt/option key down, then press 'u' and 'a', and then let go of the alt option key.
To capitalise them, press and hold the alt/option key, then 'u', then hold shift while typing either 'u' 'o' or 'a'.
For 'ß' - press and hold the alt/option key, then 's'
For Windows-based PCs...
These Alt-codes work with most fonts and programs in Windows. Some fonts may vary. Remember, you must use the numeric keypad, not the top row numbers for Alt-codes.
You need to push and hold down the alt key, then type the relative code in the number pad. If it does not work, push the Num Lock key down.
Using the Alt Codes | |
ä = 0228 | Ä = 0196 |
ö = 0246 | Ö = 0214 |
ü = 0252 | Ü = 0220 |
ß = 0223 |
