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UoP French Language Project

Writer's picture: Andrew StarrAndrew Starr

Updated: 4 days ago

This page collects resources for the University of Portsmouth's SELL French Language Project 2024-25.

A shortened link to this page is 

It is a page to gather links to all valuable content, so I have everything to hand.

Red Links will only work for me when signed in to my account.

Blue Links are universal and should work for you.

Burgundy links need a password, which you will have if you are in my class.

Online French Learning Resources - A Padlet where I have gathered a lot of links to various places you can find online French Resources (Mainly for ITT Students, but some will be of use to you)

This website does allow some free use to help you with the pronunciation of your scripts.

Students will be able to access most of this directly in Moodle.


(période des examens)

mardi, 13 mai - Final Assessment due Wednesday 14th May by noon.

mardi, 6 mai

mardi, 29 avril

mardi, 1er avril

mardi, 25 mars

mardi, 18 mars

mardi, 11 mars (la semaine de relâche / consolidation week)

mardi, 4 mars

Recording of Assessment 1 - The World News Project. - This is it.

mardi, 25 février

Final Dress Rehearsal - Last time to run it through as if it is the actual assessment.

mardi, 18 février

Dress Rehearsal One

mardi, 11 février

You should be ready to perform at least one section of your World News Project.

We have the full dress rehearsals coming up next week.

Your second assessment is based on the linguistic review and a resumé of a text or video clip based on a societal aspect of la Francophone.


Preparation for the Societal Aspect Text element of the Language Project.

Students will be able to view copies of the same materials on Moodle

L'immigration - C'est pas sorcier - d'où viennent les français?

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité

What can you find out about the slogan of the French Republic above?

What about French Society in general - what are the perceptions, what is the truth - it is out there somewhere!

This is an Australian point of view - would you agree? Do you know anything about the French as a society?

Devoirs pour la semaine prochaine: écrire un analyse linguistique sur un des deux articles résumés en classes.

mardi, 4 février

You should be ready to perform at least one section of your World News Project.

We have the full dress rehearsals coming up next week after next.

Your second assessment is based on the linguistic review and a resumé of a text or video clip based on a societal aspect of la Francophone.


Preparation for the Societal Aspect Text element of the Language Project.

Students will be able to view copies of the same materials on Moodle

L'immigration - C'est pas sorcier - d'où viennent les français?

Devoirs pour la semaine prochaine: écrire un analyse linguistique sur un des deux articles résumés en classe.

mardi, 28 janvier

Are you ready to record... What is left to complete?

The Language Project Programme has the review of the previous year as the first activity in TB2.

Les moments forts de 2024

Cette semaine, nous parlerons des événements qui ont marqué 2024 et vous rédigerez une rétrospective en groups.

Je vous présenterai également le programme du Teaching Block 2 (disponible ultérieurement sur Moodle en haut de la page)

On the Language Project Programme is the review of the previous year.

Vacances de noël - (période des examens)

*************************End of Teaching Block One***************************

mardi, 17 décembre

  1. Noël en France et des pays francophones (le nouvelan) - Le réveillon de Nöel et le réveillon du nouvel an...

  2. Noël aux quatre coins du monde—Here, you can look at some festive traditions around the world (possibly over a short amount of this session and the next session)—it all depends on how ready you are!

  3. The Wise Men, La Befana ... What can you find about how Christmas is celebrated in different world nations? A few facts in French with some images?

  4. If you celebrate, what traditions do you have? Did you prepare a short presentation in French on this?

Y-a-t-il autre chose avant le 24 décembre chez vous?

  1. Can you now perform at least two of your articles and link them to each other?

  2. Finalise your plan and plan how you will be ready for January. Do you have about 6 minutes each?

  3. Then (in TB2, at the end of January), we will begin dress rehearsals. (Along with looking at Cultural and Societal aspects (which are on the programme for the project).

mardi, 10 décembre

  1. Noël aux quatre coins du monde—Here, we can look at some festive traditions around the world (possibly over a short amount of this session and the next session)—it all depends on how ready you are!

  2. The Wise Men, La Befana ... What can you find about how Christmas is celebrated in different world nations? A few facts in French with some images?

  3. If you celebrate, what traditions do you have? Can you prepare a short presentation in French on this?

Y-a-t-il autre chose avant le 24 décembre chez vous?

C'est la fête du Saint Knut le 13 janvier (on en parlera dans la dernière semaine).

mardi, 3 décembre

1. Upcoming cultural traditions in Eastern France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland.

Also, much of Central and Eastern Europe.

  1. Further presentation of at least one of your stories - check pronunciation, flow and delivery. (either another attempt at one already covered or an attempt at another one not yet performed).

Short cultural introduction - Eastern France, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg.

The above is just so you have cultural awareness of French-speaking nations!

St Nicolas is huge in Germany too...

His sidekicks are wide and varied - here in Inningen (Bavaria), he is accompanied by Knecht Ruprecht.

In Eastern France, it was once Père Fouettard, but he has often now just vanished.

In The Netherlands, Zwarte Piet is often controversial now because he could be seen as racist.

However, in Austria:

Remember the online learning resources I have shown you. Also, if you find anything, please share it in this padlet.

A Cambrai (tout près de Belgique) - la descent du beffroi

A Lille (les années soixante-dix)

Y-a-t-il quelque chose chez vous le 5 ou 6 décembre?

mardi, 26 novembre

Presentation of at least one of your stories - check pronunciation, flow and delivery.

Preparing and finishing your second story. How much time do you each have? If it takes around 5 minutes, your third item could be shared. You should aim for about 6 minutes in total each.

Remember to get the beginning (middle if in three) and end sorted; who is doing what?

Next Week, we can do a short cultural element, and you can work on finalising your scripts. If you get everything ready before the Christmas vacation, we can all relax knowing that everything is prepared.

It would help to begin 'memorising' and cutting your notes to 50 keywords.

mardi, 19 novembre

What are your groups (pairs) for the World News Project - You may need one group of three.

Today, I would like you to have your first two articles ready. How long is your piece now?

How are you going to introduce, hand over and finish off?

Four sessions are remaining in this semester. Then you have the Christmas Vacation and then two weeks of exam season. After that, you have five sessions, and the recordings must be complete by the 6th on March 4th.

We will also be undertaking research and gathering cultural information on upcoming events.

mardi, 12 novembre

We still have a few missing people for various reasons. Mid Term Feedback

You must decide who you would like to work with for your World News Project, which will be recorded for assessment in March. Example for show in seminar

Use the links (below) 22.10.24 and share in this padlet if you find any further valuable and factual news sources in the francophone media that could be of use to you all...


Que portent les français lors du 11 novembre, du 8 mai et du 6 juin?

Ce n'est pas un coquelicot...

Today, you should complete your first news story and begin preparation for an approximately two-minute report on your next story in French, in your own words, using the styles of résumé and French journalistic style you have studied in the clips you have seen.

Once you have sorted your two-minute segment, you should upload it to the shared folder so I can give you feedback. We can then, eventually, work on presenting it in class and move on to finding the introduction and the handover, beginning to prepare the headline section of your programme.

There are online cue prompters and other sources of free support to help learn lines...

See this story on my main French learning padlet for the links - they are all in the comments bar to the right of the guy saying 'I need your help' on a loop...

mardi, 5 novembre

We still have a few missing people for various reasons.

You were initially asked to present about a region of France or some sort of societal aspect, we have heard those who had them ready.

You were also asked last week to do a resumé and a linguistic review of the video below about the Caen—Carpiquet airport's news - those were uploaded to the shared folder - Feedback has been/will be provided.

If you have not already done so, you will upload your research review of Halloween to a shared folder (unless you have already shared it with me).

Today, some research for improving your language skills -

« Pourquoi y-a-t'-il des feux d'artifice le 5 novembre au Royaume-Uni? »

Can you produce a short résumé in French on your findings?

Some articles to start you off...

Then, can you decide who you would like to work with for your World News Project, which will be recorded for assessment in March?

Use the links (below) 22.10.24 and share in this padlet if you find any valuable and factual news sources in the francophone media.

Today, you should choose your first news story and begin preparation for an approximately two-minute report on this story in French, in your own words, using the styles of résumé and French journalistic style you have studied in the clips you have seen.

Once you have sorted your two-minute segment, you should upload it to the shared folder so I can give you feedback. We can then, eventually, work on presenting it in class and move on to finding the introduction and the handover, beginning to prepare the headline section of your programme.

mardi, 29 octobre (la semaine de relâche / consolidation week)

mardi, 22 octobre

There has been a lot of fluidity with attendance and members.

You were initially asked to present about a region of France or some sort of societal aspect.

You were also asked last week to do a resumé and a linguistic review of the video below about the Caen—Carpiquet airport's news.

Therefore, today, if you have a presentation. We will first hear these.

Then, if you have not already done so, you will upload your review and resumé to a shared folder (unless you have already shared them with me).

Today, you can embark on researching for news articles, but as a holiday in France is coming up soon, it is important to be culturally aware. So, ...

Cultural Research—These will help you discover Halloween in France, but what are Toussaint and la fête des défunts?

Don't forget this padlet.

Halloween en France...

This article will give you more information about Halloween in France and its rise and fall.

Can you produce around a one-minute presentation about an aspect of Halloween/La fête des défunts/Toussaint for presentation after consolidation week?

Today, you can begin by looking at examples of televised news bulletins from across the Francophone World.

These would be known as parallel texts and will be your source for the sort of language used, including style and register... You should aim to emulate one of these styles.

- Using these videos (or ones of your own choosing from reputable news outlets), collect a glossary of phrases used in the Francophone journalistic world in preparation for your own World News Projects.

During consolidation week and beyond, these may help you with ideas for articles and how French Journalists introduce the news and interact with one another.

For your news research - here are some streams free to access, that may be of use to you...

Here is the direct link to France 2 Journal - it should be linked to the most recent 20:00 Journal!

Permanent live stream to France Info. (This is a live stream)

France 24 (français)

Bénin, West Africa, 20h00 news - most recent show seems to be 29th September.

mardi, 15 octobre

Let's look at this padlet. It can be a good place to share resources you have found. We can also do a few short introductions in French to one another...

It would be best if you have researched and prepared to present for about 4/5 minutes on a region of France... You can find the mark sheet on Moodle - Today, you are not being graded, but this is the type of mark scheme used to get you a mark in March...

Following the technique of making a resumé looked at in today's seminar - Make a resumé of this news report about new flights from Caen-Carpiquet airport.

Here is an example of a text and what would be an ideal resumé.

You should aim to summarise the video in your own time before next week. Remember, no more than 200 words, but keep all the essential details intact!

Look at this document for a reminder about the resumé technique.

You could email the doc or a link to your Google Doc (remember to allow me to edit!) That way, I can look at it in advance (time permitting)

Places to find things for looking at news and current affairs.

mardi, 8 octobre

You should have compared two different media sources, either printed or visual, that recount the same basic story... What were your findings?

Today, you should show these pieces of research and present them.

By the end of today's class, you should be ready to do a group presentation on France's Geography or Politics... on Moodle


Travail pour la semaine 3 (8 octobre)

In pairs or small groups...

Choose a region from the map below to do a 2/3-minute presentation on cultural or societal aspects of that region in French per person, or alternatively, something from France's Political Spectrum.

mardi, 1er octobre

Introduction to the module

Introduction to journalistic language and news structure.

Identifying journalistic principles in a news report (article or video) and the structure of a journalistic article.

See this document for how to analyse a journalistic text and write a summary of a lengthy article.


Students analyse two different reports (articles or videos) on the same topic.

This website gives many online sources of such news articles...

Examples (not necessarily for you to use.)

Compare different media and their coverage of the same stories... Here are some examples

Printed Media

Articles, including video media

Also try:

Travail pour la semaine 3 (8 octobre):

Choisissez deux articles de deux sources différentes, traitant du même thème. Identifiez les 5W  (who, what, where, when, why/qui, quoi, où, quand, pourquoi) dans chaque article et relevez les similitudes et les différences entre les deux articles. Vous présenterez votre travail à l'oral au début du prochain cours.

mardi, 24 septembre

Induction Week - No Class

Students familiarise themselves with the Language Project Moodle page and module information, such as module overview, learning outcomes, assessment, etc.


Useful online sources of French Language Media (free access)

All 4 (Walter Presents has a fair few French TV Series)

France 24 like BBC News 24 but French

TV5 Monde an online streaming platform of the Francophone World's News, TV, films, documentaries...

BBC iPlayer (look under BBC Four for some French Series or Films)

Free Sources for Radio


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