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UoP Translation Theory & Practice 2024-25

Writer's picture: Andrew StarrAndrew Starr

This page collects resources for the University of Portsmouth's SELL French General Language Class 2024-25.

Course Code: M33916

A shortened link to this page is 

It is a page to gather links to all valuable content, so I have everything to hand.

Red Links will only work for me when signed in to my account.

Blue Links are universal and should work for you.

Burgundy links need a password, which you will have if you are in my class.

Online French Learning Resources - A Padlet where I have gathered a lot of links to various places you can find online French Resources (Mainly for ITT Students, but some will be of use to you)

mardi, 29 avril - 3 pm

mardi, 1er avril - 4 pm

mardi, 11 mars (la semaine de relâche / consolidation week)

mardi, 4 mars - 3pm

We will look at writing a commentary about subtitling today.

You should be able to access the PPT on Moodle

Then, you should aim to finish the section(s) you are working on for either of the files you have subtitled. Then you have something to construct a commentary about, should you wish.

mardi, 25 février - 4 pm

You should now be very familiar with the software Aegissub. 

You have been working on a documentary on the English Channel (La Manche) or Wild Ireland. You will have been subtitling from the ST to TT in your L2 (your weaker language).

Today, you can show me your progress on your subtitles. You were asked to complete this week's video, taking the feedback you've received from your peer into account.

I have sourced two new videos for a final practice run before your assessment is set. Remember, you will subtitle into your L2 for this assessment.

mardi, 4 février - 3 pm

The idea here is to familiarise yourselves with Aegissub

Use this clip to test out Aegisub for yourselves... Remember the style guides for how subtitles generally work best. 

BBC Subtitling style guide (use for comparison of ideas)

Normes arte  - A guide for the Franco-German Channel for French.

mardi, 28 janvier - 4 pm

In this part of the module, we will look at subtitling using Aegissub, an Open Source Software (mainly used for fansubbing).

Activity: Vous êtes le prof!

Voici l'exemple d'un examen donné il y a quelques années avec le texte de source.

Vous trouverez les traductions du passé sur Moodle [ ici .]

Qu'en pensez-vous?

 Identifiez ce qui est bien et ce qui est moins bien.

Maintenant, attribuez une note et un commentaire. 

Vacances de noël - (+ période des examens)

**********************End of Teaching Block One*********************

mardi, 17 décembre - 4 pm

Review of the Agency Task and collection of thoughts for the portfolio assessment it will comprise the Agency Review and a subtitling task.

mardi, 25 novembre - 3 pm

Si Claire vous a répondu on pourra commencer avec les nouvlees tâches. Si vous avez des choses à faire pour Claire, il faut les faire tout d'abord, surtout s'il y a des délais spécifiques à suivre.

Je vous enverrai, je vous aurai déjà envoyé les tâches 3 et 4 qui sont des traduction plutôt techniques. - Les modes d'emploi - où allez-vous trouver des textes parallèles?

mardi, 19 novembre - 4 pm

Discussion des devoirs donnés lors de la colloque avec CR sur votre agence - les devis et les choses que vous avez chargées à partir de l'adresse mail.

Group A: Dawid, Mia and Katie

Group B: Alex, Emma and Megan

Group C: Sarah, Salvatore and Jess

You should submit your first job (1&2) to the email by Friday, 22 November.

mardi, 29 octobre (la semaine de relâche / consolidation week)

mardi, 22 octobre - 3 pm

Regarding Cormeilles

Imagining you had to write a commentary ...

How was the translation?

Who might your text be aimed at? (Audience/Purpose)

How confident are you that yours would read like a text written for an Anglophone?

What were the difficulties?

What did you do to solve the issue?

What theory could relate to this?

What can you conclude overall?

This photo blog may help picture some of the places in Cormeilles.

My few photos taken on 01.08.13 in 37C temperatures.

If all is complete and we are happy with our 'top copy', how would you have translated the text from this video (below)?

That must have been done by someone who thinks they know English rather than a bonafide translator (I hope at least).

It is a challenge.

What about this extract from a school children's holiday brochure? Can you put it into English and upload the translations to the shared folder?

Or, for a bit of cultural research and translation of an aural text, how would you translate the message in this news bulletin from TF1 about Halloween in France into English?

mardi, 15 octobre - 4 pm.

Discussion des devoirs donnés dans cette colloque ...

Discussion de traction du texte touristique de Cormeilles dans l'Eure.

It's an oldie but goodie (How Google Translate does not always get things correct)



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