This blog is a place to gather together links and information for students of English at the Friends without borders sessions in Portsmouth. The easy to share link for this page is
We mainly work in small groups at this location.
The links below will take you to further pages where I will collect together a lot of information for the learning of English at various levels.
Languages Advisor Website has some useful courses
level 3 coursebook Intermediate Listening Materials Practice Book
level 4 coursebook Intermediate Listening Materials Practice Book
For English Teachers and Mentors at FWOB and PCOS, I am compiling a list of available resources here
For Halloween - see the PCOS Blog page.
For Armistice Day or Remembrance Day see PCOS Blog (linked above)
For Saint Nicholas' Day see PCOS Blog (linked above)
Extra ideas to practise your English (and find news from home possibly)
If you have the internet on any device that can connect to the internet, you can listen to the radio from all around the world via this free-to-use website. This link takes you to a Portsmouth local radio, but all the green dots are cities/towns/villages with a streaming radio station and of course travel the English Speaking world. (Unfortunately, since October 2022 this is 'temporarily' unavailable to people in the UK unless you are listening to UK-based radio stations!)
Some random examples of the millions of streaming radio stations out there from the English Speaking World:
The Jewel, Toronto, Ontario
South Africa
New Zealand
The United States of America
The United Kingdom
BBC Radio nan Gaidheal Stornoway (a real challenge)
Northern Ireland
A few other examples from countries I know some of you are from ...
I found none in Eritrea. One in Iran, but not from Tehran.

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