This page is where I will post useful links etc for the 6 week taster courses put on by Portsmouth College (as there seems to be no Google Classroom Blog for them).
Hopefully you will keep your Google Class link safe as you will need it each week.
The shortened link for this page is:
To help improve your listening and tune your ear to the sound of the language, you can use the internet. There are a lot of free to air radio stations out there and this website helps you tune in to the free stations...
I have updated the blog post on tenses and their conjugation so feel free to look and use...
You can now book your places on courses at Portsmouth College from now (March 2021) for April and September starts. Click Here for further information
Thursday April 1st
Although a little late for this April Fool's Day, we can look here for what French children will have been doing this morning...
Now cultural information and themes on the topic of Easter.
1. Est-ce que vous fêtez Pâques normalement?
2. Si oui, comment les fêtez-vous?
3. Parlez-moi de quelque chose d'intéressant que vous avez faite pendant la semaine...
4. Que voudriez-vous changer de ce qui s'est passée pendant la semaine dernière...
Thursday March 25th
We will look at the formation of the future and conditional tenses today, along with the simple future.
We will also take a glance at how to recognise the past historic tense and what it means should you come across it. You really will never need to use it, just recognise it.
You might wish to have looked at putting the verbs...
aimer remplir attendre
adorer avertir rendre
...into the Imperfect tense.
and think about how to conjugate in written form the verbs:
and arriver
Don't forget to have either something interesting about the past week or something to change or both...
Vous avez des projets pour la période après le confinement? Qu'est-ce que vous envisagez faire?
Thursday March 18th
Aujourd'hui j'ai 50 ans!! Mon Dieu!
We will go over the formation of the Perfect Tense in French for the few verbs which conjugate using être and the reflexive verbs...
I will show you the other tenses and you can see if you can conjugate our usual 6 verbs in the different various tenses and hopefully garner a bit more understanding of which tense to use when!
1. Parlez-moi de quelque chose d'intéressant que vous avez faite pendant la semaine...
2. Que voudriez-vous changer de ce qui s'est passée pendant la semaine dernière...
3. Comment avez-vous fêté votre dernier anniversaire?
Un article sur Jeanine Hardy de la Résistance Française que j'ai rencontrée lors de la commemoration des 100 ans de l'Armistice de 1918.
A little meme about the French sound '-é' from the French themselves... In some cases it can be said 'ça dépend!' too œ, ê, è, aix for example can also make different sounds and then there's regional differences and dialects too!

Thursday March 11th
We will look further at the grammar and if you can, we can conjugate some regular verbs for all three verb families in the present tense.
We will go over the formation of the Perfect Tense in French for regular verbs for all three families with 'avoir' (the most common) - next time we can look at the few verbs which conjugate using être and the reflexive verbs...
1. Parlez-moi de quelque chose d'intéressant que vous avez faite pendant la semaine...
2. Que voudriez-vous changer de ce qui s'est passée pendant la semaine dernière...
3. Civil Rights in France (Ouest-France) Below is a pdf of the article...
You might like to prepare for next week answers to questions one and two. Also - to try to conjugate the perfect tense of these verbs in full (helps to reinforce the method in your mind)
aimer remplir attendre
adorer avertir rendre
Thursday March 4th
1. Tenses
Tenses in French and English... There are less tenses in French than in English so I will try and explain the equivalent use of the French and English tenses here.
(The format looks perfect in the template, but is not so easily displayed in some browsers!)
2. Accents
How to add the various accents to your work on your various devices. I wrote a blog post about this a while ago. You can find it here.
What do they do? Well this is something best discussed
1. Parlez-moi de quelque chose d'intéressant que vous avez faite pendant la semaine...
Thursday February 25th
I would like to begin (once we've established who's who) with this article.
Then perhaps we can talk about dinosaurs
and then this cultural link about how Mardi Gras is celebrated in Dunkirk
Here's one about the planet Mars
Do let me know what you would like to learn about and I can be ready for next Thursday with those ideas!
Current online social events are here:
Further information...
Cultural references...
Further Information on Mardi Gras in France from Mr Innes (he looks to me like he should still be in school, but there you go!)
Valentine's Day
