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Writer's pictureAndrew Starr

UoP - French Language Project 2023-24

Updated: Oct 11

This page collects resources for the University of Portsmouth's SELL French Language Project 2023-24.

A shortened link to this page is

It is a page to gather links to all valuable content for me to have everything to hand.

Students will be able to access most of this directly in Moodle.

Blogs work best when the newest material is at the top, so the oldest is at the bottom.

Teaching Block 2

mardi, 7 mai

Le dernier cours - Aujourd'hui nous avons 3 activitees plutôt ludiques à faire pour mieux profiter de nos connaissances en français.

Activité I

Vous allez donner la parole aux personnages d'Astérix et Obélix.  

Activité II

La Marseillaise.

Now, the French sing this with gusto at any patriotic or international event.

The song was written in 1792 by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle in Strasbourg after the declaration of war by France against Austria and was originally titled "Chant de guerre pour l'Armée du Rhin".

So, for once, the French were fighting the Austrians here rather than the British, so this bloodthirsty ode is directed at them, not us!

It was first adopted as the French Republic's National Anthem in 1795 after being sung frequently by volunteer soldiers from Marseille marching to Paris. Hence the nickname "La Marseillaise."

Although there are many verses, it is now just the first verse, the chorus and the sixth verse (if at all) sung nowadays.

Activité III

Whether or not you ever study translation as part of your degree, those who speak no foreign language will expect you to be able to perfectly and instantly translate from one language into English for them!

So, with this in mind, in this folder, you will find some short stories in French for children from some African Nations that you can try writing in English for bedtime stories.

mardi, 30 avril

Comment ça-va avec la reflexion etc...

La loi sur la diffusion de la musique francophone... this is not the law itself, but it is quoted in this article. La loi sur la diffusion de la musique francophone

What is the law surrounding francophone music on the airwaves in France?

Using this Padlet, put in your answers to the questions posed after having looked at and listened to at least two songs from several artists on the « la musique francophone » to give you a good feel for the artists available.

Remember, these are a tiny element of people who have recorded and are still recording in French.

You might like to do further research on some artists who have piqued your interest. Add their names to the final column.

In the era of Top of the Pops in the UK, France, on Canal +, had le Top 50 broadcasting 'en clair', showing the main best-selling songs in France that week.

A channel called M6 (Musique 6) was then launched. This channel showed music videos on TV with an aerial all morning and through the night.

This link should show France's current Top 100 best sellers/most streams. Look at some of the most obvious French songs and see what they are like - anyone worth listening to add them to the Padlet.

Write a review of any artist who particularly piqued your interest and add the review to the shared folder.

Mots manqués with a grammatical edge!

I will provide you with a sheet of lyrics with missing words - there is a grammatical theme to the words I have missed out.

The purpose is to enhance your listening skills (listen for specific details and filter out unnecessary info and noise) and remind you of verb conjugation forms and spelling!

Translating songs is far more difficult than it might orgianlly seem, but it certianly shows how translation can be a real challenge. What else are the challenges here?

You can compare and see how the song was translation was done - it is thought provoking - did they keep the same message as in the original or did it change in some way? Post your findings in the shared folder.

(The original also available on YouTube is Let it Go by Idina Menzel, if you cannot remember the lyrics!).

The Final Assessment is due Friday, May 3rd, at noon.

mardi, 23 avril

Watch the four trailers below and comment on the two questions about one you would want to see and one you would not, giving reasons why.

Then search on

Scroll down to where (hopefully) you will see the top films in the French Cinema now.

Find francophone films, look at a few of the trailers, and answer the final question by giving reasons why you would like to see the film.

Finally, below you can see the trailer for SOS Fantômes, and above is a review from for this film. Have a go at translating this into English. Place whatever you manage to do in the shared folder if you want me to look at it and give you feedback.

Le cinéma français site internet (Last updated in 2020)

BA La Haine BA - Les Intouchables BA - Les Misérables BA Au revoir les enfants

mardi, 16 avril

The Final Assessment Task is set this Friday (19 April).

Je vais vous faire parler des films et les bandes dessinés en particulier Astérix et Obelix

On va parler de la traduction des noms des personnages tout d'abord avec une vue de parler de la traduction dans la dernière semaine de ce cours.

Le film Asterix chez les Bretons

mardi, 19 mars

Pâques et le poisson d'avril

Conduct your linguistic reflections of the articles from last week.

Introduction to famous past and contemporary authors in French Literature.

Les habitudes de lecture de Français.

Vous rédigerez un résumé de 150-200 mots et une réflexion linguistique à partir de l'article ci-dessus.

Final Assessment is set Friday, 19 April

Cette semaine, on va parler des films et de la littérature français.

Cette semaine, nous introduisons le quatrième et dernier bloc : littérature et cinéma. Nous commencerons par un petit historique des principaux mouvements cinématographiques.

Enfin, nous travaillerons une nouvelle fois sur la technique du résumé et de la réflexion linguistique en préparation à votre dernier devoir pour le Language Project.

Y-a-t-il une grande différence entre 2020 et 2023 en ce qui concerne les habitudes des Français envers la lecture?

Faites une resumé de 200 mots et un bilan linguistique des deux articles.

Le film Asterix chez les Bretons

mardi, 12 mars


Preparation for the Societal Aspect Text element of the Language Project.

Students will be able to view copies of the same materials on Moodle

Devoirs pour la semaine 9: écrire un analyse linguistique sur un des deux articles résumés en classe.

Consolidation Week

mardi, 27 février

Appointments are confirmed. Do pop down before to log in with your cards and afterwards to confirm you have recorded.

Recording of your language project programmes for WNP 2.

Group - 09.00 - 09.20




Group - 09.20 - 09.40



Group - 09.40 - 10.00



Group - 10.00 - 10.20



Group - 10:20 - 10:40



mardi, 20 février


(Everyone who rehearsed last time was more confident in their recording and had had the chance to have feedback and a run-through on their performance).

Group - 09.00 - 09.20




Group - 09.20 - 09.40



Group - 09.40 - 10.00



Group - 10.00 - 10.20



Group - 10:20 - 10:40



mardi, 13 février

FINALISATION OF DRAFTS (Mardi Gras) (Saint Valentin - Demain)

Students finalise their drafts and receive feedback from their tutor - They construct their fifty keywords. Some may wish to be practising their delivery.

mardi, 6 février


Students catch up on progress with the tutor, continue/finalise researching their WNP2, and continue constructing/begin finalising their drafts. You can have input from the tutor.

mardi, 30 janvier


Presentation of any theme or topic chosen from a Societal Aspect of a Francophone Nation.

Introduction to WNP2: Students continue researching WPN2 and produce an outline.

Students identify possible topics for WNP2 + groups are confirmed.

Students continue their research and begin constructing their plans. .

mardi, 23 janvier

Les moments forts de 2023

Cette semaine, nous parlerons des événements qui ont marqué 2023 et vous rédigerez une rétrospective en groups.

Je vous présenterai également le programme du Teaching Block 2 (disponible éventuellement sur Moodle en haut de la page)

Level 4

World News Project 2 - Monde Francophone.

As before, groups of 2 or 3 max

Presentation on a Societal Aspect of the French-Speaking World.

Recording must be done in Week 6, 27th February. About 6 to 7 minutes per person.

Final Assessment

400-word summary in French based on a text to be issued in advance.

200-word linguistic reflection in English on the same text.

End of Teaching Block 1

mardi, 12 décembre

Presentations... s'il y en a... PPT

mardi, 5 décembre

Refelxions sur le permier projet de l'actualité mondiale.

Comment fête-t-on noël aux quatre coins du monde?

La fête de la St Nicolas

Today, I will do a short presentation about a particular festival in Eastern France. Plus some terminology for things in France around this time of year.

You should then choose to research up to three aspects of French Christmas Culture and present your findings next week.

mardi, 28 novembre

Recording of assessment this week - These are your appointment slots - there really is no time for dress rehearsals, etc.

Do come to 3.16 to register you have attended and clock in...

Group - 09.00 - 09.20




Group - 09.20 - 09.40



Group - 09.40 - 10.00



Group - 10.00 - 10.20



mardi, 21 novembre

Hopefully, you are all now ready to go on your Language Project scripts, and today, we will be able to do a dress rehearsal of the assessment so we can polish any pronunciation, intonation issues, etc.

mardi, 14 novembre

This is the final week you can have my input on your scripts.

Aujourd'hui vous avez du temps pour mettre à fin vos scripts et de trouver les 50 mots-clés.

mardi, 7 novembre

Cette semaine : Group Tutorials (voir ci-dessus pour les rendez-vous dans l'atelier studio)

Lors des "tutorials" nous discuterons de votre progression et je vous donnerai des conseils. Vous pourrez également poser des questions.

For those still struggling, here are some notes on how to get accents on various devices...

Further notes on typing on a Windows Laptop: push CTRL and then the following characters...

  • To type accent grave (à, è, etc.), type ` (to the left of 1), then the vowel.

  • Accent aigu (é), type ‘ (single quote) then e.

  • Cédille (ç), type ‘ then c.

  • Circonflexe (ê), type ^ (shift + 6) then e.

  • Tréma (ö), type ” (shift + ‘) then o.

  • To type French quotation marks « » use ctrl + alt + [ and ], respectively.

mardi, 31 octobre

Cue Prompter (turn your screen into an autocue) - You cannot have an autocue for the assessment, but it can certainly test if you know the stories!

Memorizer - an online tool to help you memorize lines.

Tips for actors on learning lines

Today, you should be aiming to finalise your plans and be on the way to completing your scripts for your world news programme.

This website could be of use to you as it has articles in both English and French - if you are really stuck for ideas.

mardi, 24 octobre

(La semaine de relâche / consolidation week)

mardi, 17 octobre

BEFORE THE CLASS, You should have produced a 200-word resumé of the video about the fire in Rouen (en français bien sûr)

If you have not already done so - you may wish to share this with me or email it to me.

Today, we will begin by looking at examples of Televised News bulletins from across the Francophone World.

These would be known as parallel texts and will be your source for the sort of language used, including style and register... You should aim to emulate one of these styles.

- Using these videos (or ones of your own choosing from reputable news outlets), collect a glossary of phrases used in the Francophone journalistic world in preparation for your own World News Projects.

ORTB - Bénin vendredi, 13 octobre. (You might find this relatively clear to understand).

France télévisions - Le Journal de 20 heures sur France 2 (This is a live stream)

TV5 Le journal international

RTB - Burkina Faso (Not so easy to follow)

France 24 en direct

Using these and any other news websites, including those of the printed press, you should start to gather ideas for the reports you wish to present for your news programme and over the consolidation week, come up with a plan for how you want your programme to run and who will do what.

You should then begin to prepare your scripts.

You have the 31st of October and the 7th of November, when I can still help you and guide you with the scripts. By November 14th they need to be ready, so you can begin to memorise your stories and pare them down to the 50 key words you are permitted to remind you of where you need to go.

mardi, 10 octobre

You should have researched and prepared to present for about 5 minutes each on a region of France... You can find the mark sheet on Moodle

Following the technique of making a resumé looked at in today's seminar - Make a resumé of this news report about a factory fire in Rouen.

Here is an example of a text and what would be an ideal resumé.

In your own time before next week, you should aim to get the video summarised. Remember no more than 200 words, but keep all the essential details intact!

You could email the doc or a link to your Google Doc (remember to allow me to edit!) That way, I can look at it in advance (time permitting)

Places to find things for looking at news and current affairs.

mardi, 3 octobre

You should have compared two different media, either printed or visual, that recount the same basic story... What were your findings (in pairs)

Today, you should show these pieces of research and present them in your grouping.

By the end of today's class, you should be ready to do your group presentation on France's Geography or Politics... on Moodle.

Travail pour la semaine 3 (10 octobre)

In pairs or small groups...

Choose a region from the map below to do a 5-minute presentation in French each... or alternatively something from France's Political Specturm.

mardi, 26 septembre

Introduction to the module

Introduction to journalistic language and news structure.

Identifying journalistic principles in a news report (article or video) and the structure of a journalistic article.

Students analyse two different reports (articles or videos) on the same topic.

This website gives many online sources of such news articles...

Compare different media and their coverage of the same stories... Here are some examples

Printed Media

Articles, including video media

Also try:

Travail pour la semaine 2 (3 octobre):

Choisissez deux articles de deux sources différentes, traitant du même thème. Identifiez les 5W (who, what, where, when, why/qui, quoi, où, quand, pourquoi) dans chaque article et relevez les similitudes et les différences entre les deux articles. Vous présenterez votre travail à l'oral au début du prochain cours.


mardi, 19 septembre

Induction Week - No Class

Students familiarise themselves with the Language Project Moodle page and module information: module overview, learning outcomes, assessment etc.

Useful online sources of French Language Media (free access)

All 4 (Walter Presents has a fair few French TV Series)

France 24 like BBC News 24 but French

TV5 Monde an online streaming platform of the Francophone World's News, TV, films, documentaries...

BBC iPlayer (look under BBC Four for some French Series or Films)

Free Sources for Radio


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