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UoP - QTS Pathway Level 5

Writer's picture: Andrew StarrAndrew Starr

This page is the placeholder for the students on the QTS Level 5 Pathway at the University of Portsmouth School of Education, Languages and Linguistics.

This page is mainly for Andrew Starr to organise materials for easy delivery in seminars. Much of the relevant material will be available on Moodle for the ITT QTS Pathway students.

A shortened link to this page is

Red Links will only work for me when signed in to my account.

Blue Links are universal and should work for you.

Burgundy links need a password, which you will have if you are in my class.

In TB1, you will have some intensive ITT Training sessions with the ITT department from the original School of Education and with me from the School of Languages for specific MFL teaching input.

In TB2, you will begin a one-day-per-week placement. As your university mentor, I will continue to support you with visits and observations. From June, you will spend seven weeks on a placement in a school.

Helpful Documents for your entire course.

Your classes for Teaching Block 1 will be held on Wednesday afternoons, mainly from October 9th, 2024, from 2 to 5 pm.

The below plans could change according to specific requirements...

Wednesday, 18th December, 14:00 - 17:00 - [Tutorials - Group lesson reviews and reflection].

Today, you will deliver an aspect of Christmas in one of your chosen countries around the world.

We will have an online meeting at some point from January 6th to 10th. This will finalise what, when, where, and how for the coming placements, which will happen for you on Wednesdays.

What can you tell me about these characters?

St Nicolas? Krampus? St Lucia? La Befana? ¿Los Reyes Magos?

Le Réveillon? Dinner for One? Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden?

Wednesday, 11th December, 14:00 - 17:00 - [Tutorials - Group lesson delivery]

Above is the YouTube Channel of the young teacher who displays many methods of teaching vocabulary to younger students.

Today, you will deliver the last of the small lessons in French, Chinese, or Spanish that you have prepared and prepared to give individually or in pairs.

You should plan to teach some lessons on (an aspect of) Christmas in a French/German/Spanish-speaking part of the world. (For next week)

Or, for Chinese New Year, how much TL will you use? What vocabulary will you teach? How will you introduce it? What activities would you give the students?

What can you tell me about these characters?

St Nicolas? Krampus? St Lucia? La Befana? ¿Los Reyes Magos?

Le Réveillon? Dinner for One? Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden?

Wednesday, 4th December, 14:00 - 17:00 - [Tutorials - Group lesson planning]

Today, you will deliver the first small lessons in French, Chinese, or Spanish that you have prepared and prepared to give individually or in pairs.

We will look at what you have achieved - Did people feel they (would have) learned something?

How do you present yourself?

What is expected of a teacher? Any ideas?

You should plan to teach some lessons on (an aspect of) Christmas in a French/German/Spanish-speaking part of the world. (For next week)

Or, for Chinese New Year, how much TL will you use? What vocabulary will you teach? How will you introduce it? What activities would you give the students?

Wednesday, 27th November, 14:00 - 17:00

Lecture from A. Porter PPT

Adaptive Teaching (Tanya Riordan)

Subject Specific Input (AS)

  • DO watch Tanya's Presentation. You will address this again with the PGCE Students in September, in whichever one you are joining them. - (2025 if not doing the year abroad, 2026 if doing that.)

  • Depending on the outcomes with Andrew Porter.

  • How can we adapt and differentiate to support our MFL Learners?  PDF

  • [Paperwork for school - intro to the Mentoring record].

  • [Intro to formal lesson observation form and informal lesson observation form].

What will you teach the others next week or the week after?

We have established that German, Spanish, and French will be taught.

Are you going to team teach, or are you going to do an individual session?

Aim for about 25-30 minutes this time. I have had 35-minute timetabled lessons sometimes in one of my schools. (35-minute single lessons and 70-minute double lessons!)

Wednesday, 20th November, 14:00 - 17:00

Lecture from T. Fleming PPT


Subject Specific Input (AS)

  • Reflection on Tom’s lecture.

  • How can we support various needs in MFL?

  • Phonics in MFL 

  • Looking at GCSE / KS3 languages 

These are some ideas for working with SEND in MFL

An idea from YouTube - recording of a Webinar from the Language Show 2023 (52 minutes)

Wednesday, 13th November, 14:00 - 17:00

Lecture from J. Wood

Behaviour management (Jane Wood) PPT

Subject Specific Input (AS)

Following on from Andrew Porter's lecture last week on the Rosenshine Principles...

This page will help you apply those principles to the MFL Classroom.

  • Reflection on Jane’s lecture.

  • Time to discuss - Q&A.

  • How do we manage behaviour in the MFL classroom? Is it different to other lessons?

  • Looking at different MFL activities and how we would manage behaviours that might crop up. (rowdiness during games, etc)


Some strategies for managing behaviour in the classroom are the same for all subjects, including MFL: 

  • Model your desired behaviour: Demonstrate the behaviour you expect your students to show. 

  • Establish clear rules: Make rules positive and involve students in the process. 

  • Create a class culture: Develop a classroom culture that promotes discipline. 

  • Set expectations: Students need consistency and predictability. 

  • Create stimulating lessons: Avoid dull lessons. 

  • Approach issues positively: Discuss with students why the rules are essential. 

  • Acknowledge good behaviour: Recognize and reinforce good manners. 

  • Encourage initiative: Consider peer teaching or pairing students with cooperative peers. 

  • Role play: Demonstrate appropriate responses through role play. 

Of course, all the above are just theoretical ideas. You would need to get to know your classes and develop a relationship with them that demonstrates the best behaviour outcomes for learning.

Unison - Tom Bennett Guide

There are no simple answers, ever, in behaviour management. This webinar (about an hour long) is for you to watch in your own time and for teachers from various backgrounds and experiences.

This one is about motivating and engaging students (preventing poor behaviour).


Hays Safeguarding Training (once we have the correct version and access means)

Wednesday, 6th November, 14:00 - 17:00

Lecture from AJ Porter

  • How children learn (AJP) PPT

Subject Specific Input (AS). PPT

  • Reflection on Andrew’s lecture - how does this link to MFL?

  • The importance of memory. 

  • Use of modelling and the target language. 

  • Developing lesson planning  (planning 2).

  • Starters and plenaries.

  • Lesson objectives

    Last time, you were asked to consider developing a lesson plan. If you have done anything with that and would like me to look at it, please upload it to the correct folder.

See Moodle for further links.

Wednesday, 23rd October, 14:00 - 17:00

Lecture from M. Casey

  • Introduction to Safeguarding. (Mark Casey) PPT NSPCC

  • Hays Online Safeguarding Training.

Subject Specific Input (AS)

  • Q&A with reflection on Mark's lecture.

  • The use of target language in the MFL classroom.  OU

  • How, when, and why is it so important?

  • Beginning to lesson plan (planning 1) PPT

Documents and links - These need to be actioned before the end of this calendar year/going in to a school.

Hays Safeguarding Training (once we have the correct version and access means)

Wednesday, 16th October, 14:00 - 17:00

Lecture from A. Smith

  • Modern Context of Teaching and Learning (Andy Smith).

Subject Specific Input (AS)

First, I would like to know - your feedback on the documents you reviewed last week.

  • Q&A with reflection on Andy's lecture.

  • What is the journey that MFL has had over the years? 

  • Where did MFL fit in previous curriculums/years?

  • How do we break down new language in an MFL Lesson, and how do we teach it? PPT

  • Presentation of language demo:

  • Students are to introduce five words of a new language to a partner/. You should be able to teach someone something new - to work with people who do not yet speak one of your languages!!. 

  • It would be best if you aimed to put some ideas on to this padlet. It will be a source for you to use as you work your way through the QTS route. 

    Demo PPT

Links and Documents

For next week you should plan to teach at least 5 new words to some others in your group for next week...

Wednesday, 9th October, 14:00 - 17:00

Lecture from AJ Porter

Introduction to pathway

  • The course outline/timings.

  • Personal and professional conduct as a teacher (AJP)

Subject Specific Input (AS)


Every Lesson Shapes a Life - (Videos from the PPT)

  • What are you hoping to get from this course? Why teaching? 

  • What do you envisage the role of a Modern Foreign Languages Teacher to be?

  • Why do languages matter in schools? SCILT Pearson TES British Council

  • What makes a good teacher/language teacher?  TES FutureLearn

  • Reflections from students on their own language learning experiences...

  • What does a good language lesson look like? 

  • What should be included?  

For next week, following our seminar today, you should create a document (shared with me) or padlet that answers the above questions as you see them now. 

  • This will be interesting for you to look back on in the future!

Students are to read through one of the documents below (key reading) and make a 2—to 5-minute presentation on their findings next week. 

Students are to prepare to teach five words from a language they know to others in next week's seminar. 

Essential Reading for the week:

Students to read through:

Some key reading: 

Further Reading

British Academy - Language Learning

Guardian View - We need language graduates

A professional association

Recording of 2022 Language Trends Webinar. British Council 2002 Report

And then there is this...

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